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Over View (Study of 3 John – Part 5)

13 “I had much to write to you, but I would rather not write with pen and ink. 14 I hope to see you soon, and we will talk face to face.15 Peace be to you. The friends greet you. Greet the friends, each by name.” (3 John 1:13-15)

John, a men of Hope and peace, he gives these as he please. John must of been a busy men for the Kingdom of God, because his letters very short, but cut to the main point.

In the letter, which was named, “3 John”, he writes to an elder of the church named Gaius. He tells how great of a job he is doing, living a Christ like life or a real Christian life. He also informs him of a false teacher that is making splits in the church and calling people away from God and away from the church. This false teacher is said to be one of the leaders.

In “3 John”, the main message is the same, which we’ll find in all of the word of God. That is to imitate Jesus and live our lives,
which is pleasing to God.

I’m sure john wanted to say much more, but I’m also sure he has spoken the most important thing and the ball point of the truth of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are not of this world; therefore we are to imitate the way of Jesus, not of the devil.

In verse 13, says, not with “pen or ink“, this has no meaning, in those time’s they had one pen and a jar of ink, to write with; it was
like the 1800’s. Maybe he write little amount’s because he didn’t like writing. I can say I wouldn’t like writing with pen and ink of Jar,
sounds painful. He should give credit these men of God took their time to write these letters. On the face to face part, we don’t know why he wanted to chat face to face, my guess is he was going to tell him something that he didn’t want no one else to know, or maybe he was a type of men that can talk and talk for hours or maybe he was a kind of men to chat face to face. But the fact we do know, he wanted to chat face to face with Gaius and we don’t know what was said or if he ever got to.
In Verse 15, “Friends”, means brothers, you can also include sister, but the Greek word used was “adelphoi”, which means brothers. This is simply there has a greeting and a good bye, but we can also understand that John mint for this letter to be for God’s family, those who are brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.
Why are we brothers and sisters in Christ? His blood was given to us on the Cross, if we turn to him and follow his way, and have faith with him in keeping Godly deeds, we become part of the blood line of Jesus, no longer of our mom and dad. Living no longer in this world’s, but our eyes be open to his world.

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I’m Keith

Welcome to Jesus Alone Saves!

There is one focus point for this website, it’s to bring people to Christ across the world and help them became devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

Who am I?

I hold a Divinity Bachelor Degree, soon I will have a Christians Leadership too and hopefully a Chaplaincy Degree. I join the Marines in 2017 during a season of my life where I was homeless and working as a manager at Walmart. I was homeless until 2019 and shortly after i enter into the financial industry where I almost became a financial advisor, but then God called me to leave Dallas, Texas and go to north Wisconsin, where I am now a utility locator and am actively trying to get a young adult, ministry launched but am having difficulty because local churches around here aren’t interested in reaching anyone. I have been told by multiple churches to go ask someone else.

So that is me, I’m a reject from the christian community, but I will not forget Jesus is the one I am serving! I say that so that people know that I understand how it feels to be rejected by the church and it’s not right, so I’m not going to reject you, I might reject your sin, but not you. So hope you join me here in exploring the plan God has for your life.

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